
Anti-Abortion Extremists Are Funding A Major Ad Blitz for Nella Domenici

Despite Her Claims to the Contrary, Domenici Would Give National Republicans a Majority to Pass Their National Abortion Ban

It’s official: the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is opening up their campaign war chest to prop up Nella Domenici, multimillionaire former hedge fund executive and Mitch McConnell’s hand-picked GOP recruit for Senate in New Mexico. And it’s obvious why: Domenici’s election would give extreme anti-abortion Republicans the majority they need in the Senate to pass a national abortion ban.

The new ad, funded by the NRSC—led by Sen. Steve Daines, who supports a national ban on abortion and has enthusiastically endorsed Domenici—attempts to obscure Domenici’s positions on abortion access and reproductive freedom.

But actions speak louder than words. Here are the facts about Nella’s position on abortion: 

“Nella Domenici’s record and her alliances make one thing crystal clear: Her election would be a gift to anti-abortion extremists, handing them the power to push their dangerous agenda and impose a national abortion ban,” said Democratic Party of New Mexico Spokesperson Daniel Garcia.