
Insult to Democracy: NM GOP Picks Fake Elector AGAIN

DPNM Calls on NM Republicans to Denounce Un-American Steve Pearce and His Fake Elector Pick

According to a recent story in the New Mexico Political Report, Steve Pearce selected Debbie Weh-Maestas, one of the notorious fake electors who tried to give New Mexico’s five electoral votes to Donald Trump in 2020 after he lost the state by nearly 100,000 votes, to be a Republican Party presidential elector yet again! 

You may recall Steve Pearce and his five “fake electors” including Weh-Maestas tried and failed to give New Mexico’s five electoral votes to Donald Trump in total disregard to the election results and the will of the voters. Weh-Maestas, a former Chair of the Republican Party of New Mexico, was subpoenaed by the January 6th Committee for her role in the false electoral certificate scheme. 

Democratic Party of New Mexico Chair Jessica Velasquez released the following statement: 

“I have a serious question for Yvette Herrell, Nella Domenici, and Republican State Legislative Leadership and New Mexicans deserve a real, straightforward answer: Will you have the courage to stand up for democracy and commit to accepting November’s election results regardless of the outcome, or will you sit by and watch Steve Pearce continue to attack the Founding Fathers’ vision for our Democratic Republic? 

“The Democratic Party of New Mexico is calling on these prominent Republicans to do what is right and denounce fake elector Debbie Weh-Maestas and Steve Pearce’s attacks on our democracy and despicable actions against our Constitution.

“In 2020, the New Mexico GOP tried to thwart the will of nearly a million voters who participated in New Mexico's election. The MAGA-infested GOP then tried to undermine a free and fair election and violently overthrow our democracy for the first time in modern American history. Now, Steve Pearce and the MAGA GOP have doubled down on attacking our democracy by putting forward known fake elector Debbie Weh-Maestas yet again. We can’t afford to let this go unchecked.”

The falsehoods and conspiracies peddled by Steve Pearce and other New Mexican radicals like Yvette Herrell, who voted against certifying 2020 election results, and insurrectionists Couy Griffin and John Block, ultimately led to Trump’s attack on the U.S. Capitol and failed attempt to overthrow the government which led to multiple deaths.  

By selecting a fraudulent elector who is known to lie about election results, the Republican Party of New Mexico may be expecting another disastrous election night where they pick and choose which results to accept. After dividing his own party, an embarrassing failure of an election record, and attempts to attack democracy, the everyday Republicans of New Mexico deserve better than Steve Pearce.