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New Mexico Democratic Party Platform

Democrats believe that every person matters. All New Mexicans should have an equal voice in how we are governed. We call out the disproportionate influence by rich and powerful special interests on our government. We affirm the ties of unity and inclusion that bind us together as one human family.


Water is Life. We support equitable local and sustainable New Mexico farming and ranching, fair water access emphasizing agriculture that feeds New Mexicans, water conservation efforts, and regenerative soil practices.


Democrats recognize the role of the arts toward making a community attractive to its citizens, tourists, labor force, and business partners; and we are committed to investing in the arts to continue our state’s rich cultural heritage.

Business, Economy, and Revenue Sources

Every American, including women, people of color, and other marginalized communities, has the right to a job that provides for adequate food, housing, clothing, health care, recreation, and protection from

Civil Rights

All people have the right to just, equitable, dignified, and respectful treatment. We Affirm 1. Racism is a deeply embedded system by which the power structure and the enforcing institutions

Criminal Justice Reform

Democrats seek to improve public safety by reforming the criminal justice system to focus on programs that prevent criminal activity, divert people from crime, prosecution, and detention, rehabilitate the accused


An educated populace is the cornerstone of sustainable democracy and the single most important driver of economic prosperity. Children and adults have a right to affordable, high-quality education that enables

Energy and Environment

Democrats support the use of renewable energy and will train the workforce, create jobs, and support small businesses in a just transition to a renewable energy infrastructure. We will position

Ethics, Elections, and Politics

Government derives its legitimacy from the consent of the governed. The people, through their government, must guarantee that all have an equal voice and equal representation. People have a fundamental

Health Care

Health care is a fundamental human right, as is a robust public health system and resources to support it. Regardless of their circumstance, everyone in New Mexico and the U.S.


Immigrants strengthen our communities. Through comprehensive reform, we will create humane and non-discriminatory asylum and immigration systems that keep families together and ensure attainable paths to citizenship. We must prepare

Indian Nations, Tribes, and Pueblos of New Me

Democrats recognize and respect tribal sovereignty and acknowledge the fundamental Trust Responsibility of the United States government to American Indian and Alaska Native People and tribal governments as grounded and

International Relations

All actions of U.S. institutions and supporting organizations must reflect integrity, respect, and ethical behavior in accordance with human rights and international norms and laws. We believe that our security,


Democrats will remove obstacles for workers, public and private, to exercise their right to organize, form, and join unions. We recognize that unions contribute to building a stronger middle class,


Free, fair, and balanced media is foundational to our democracy. Locally sourced news presented in diverse platforms with multiple opposing views from independent journalists and other members of the information

Public Safety

Everyone has a basic right to be free from coercion, exploitation, economic injustice, and violence, including harm imposed by private and corporate degradation of water, air, and soil. We will

Science & Technology

Government has a primary role in supporting science and technology for the public good and for economic development. Technology has the potential to drive social and economic change and should

Transportation & Infrastructure

Democrats believe in state and federal investment in public infrastructure and transportation to improve our state’s economic competitiveness, create jobs, fulfill climate targets, and achieve equitable and safe communities. We

Veterans & Military Affairs

All qualified persons who wish to serve our nation should be free to do so without discrimination. Our country must honor all of its veterans and wounded warriors, especially those


Democrats must act now to secure our water future. We must support equitable, evidence-based, water planning, management, and stewardship. New Mexico will equitably and effectively adapt to climate change and


Democrats shall ensure equitable treatment for women in education, employment, health care, civic and political participation, and in all other spheres of society. We recognize that violence against women and